Multibus items

This page last updated Dec 20 2021.

This Web page describes the Multibus I resources I have, mostly manuals and Multbus I cards, card cages. MOst but not all are Intel-brand Multibus cards. There are also Web links to other Intel related Web pages, and other Web sites. My general Web page for Multibus, VMEbus and STDbus items is on this linked page. To email @ me for details or to order, check my ordering page.

My understanding is that Intel sold their rights and licenses for Multibus I and Intel's Multibus I products. For the history of Intel's Multibus license holders, check my early Intel history Web page. For recent ISIS work, check my 21st century ISIS Web page.

I have a part number list of old Intel manuals. Follow this link for the .doc file.

For even older Intel systems, check my Intel MCS 4/40 page

My Multibus hardware

Multibus systems

I have an Intel 320 system and some spare parts. The system runs Xenix now. See the details on this linked Web page.

Multibus Cards

Some work in 2020 on an Intel SDK-80, a very early Intel Multibus 8080 card.

two Multibus prototype boards, used but mostly "bare".
Here's the other side of the boards.

Ziatech ZT80 rev c, 8080 card 1980, Heurikon MLZ-91 rev 2, z80 chip set, ZRAID. In June 2015, I restored to operation this Heurikon MLZ-91 card In 2020 I acquired this Heurikon MLZ-92 card.

LeCroy 3500-7 rev b, rom board, sockets for 32 2716's, 1984

Interphase corp SMD 2180; SMD disk controller? with Intel 8x300 chip.
(3) Interphase corp,"disk cont/16K RAM", FDC 1680,floppy disk controller. WD1771 fdc chip

CIE (C.Itoh) brand CIE systems 68020 Multibus card, "BI-TURBO CPU" 102903-0002 rev M. Frankly I bought it for the socketed RAM - 32 of 32K X 8 low-power SRAM chips; I may sell the board without RAM. The P2 connector is very active, probably memory management but I don't know of course. The CIE 680 series of systems sold in 1986-7. It ran the PICK system or some kind of RM/COS OS but it's possible this card is "an optional 68000 coprocessor" card to run some flavor of UNIX, possibly Regulus.

A Computerworld magazine article from Apr 20 1987, suggests this 68020 CIE card, might be the "Turbo/25" CPU board to upgrade the CIES/680 system. It may operate through the P2 connector "local bus extension". I cannot confirm this identification.

Sun related: I had some Sun brand Multibus cards. See this Web page for the Sun 2/150 system I had and then sold.

Interested in Zilog Z8000? Ono Sokki made a Multibus based CF-910 Dual Channel FFT Analyzer with the Z8001 and Z8002. here's the 8002 board and here's the ROM/RAM/FPU board and here's the 8001 and RAM board Lots of ROMs to look at, there's the chips. These units go for a few hundred dollars sometimes.

Other boards

Computer Products Corp. RIMFIRE, disk/tape card with INtel 8089 (I/O processor)
Data Technology Corp DTC Multibus host adapter 003-00002 rev E, 003-0003 rev 4 ---Probably SCSI or SASI, has 50-pin connector.
bit3 Bit 3 RAM/ROM/I-O p/n 8001-6001 rev 04. is it a bus extender?

Heurikon HK68/M10-3. Multibus card, with 68010 and Hitachi HD68450. NCR 5380 SCSI chip. 2- Zilog SCC, 85360 and 85300. 1- Zilog CIO. Unfortunately no ROMs

Old Intel

An Intel SDK-80 board and chipset. Intel provided an 8080 Multibus single board with chips, unassembled, in 1975 or so.

Here's a four-slot Intel backplane board. No P2 connectors on it.

I bought in 2020, five Intel 16K PROM/ROM memory boards. These hold 2708's, I have many of those. iSBC 416, PWA 1000669 is the board number. These need testing, they may be failed factory boards.

Some work on Intel MON-80 monitor software from the Intellec 80. It's an 8080 version of Intel 8008 monitor. The page shows some Intel 8080 IPB and IPC boards I had.

Intel ice-85, 8085 pod. This plugs into an 8085 socket, and permits in-circuit emulation or ICE. Physical condition good but working condition unknown. 40 pin connector is protected. This ran with one of Intel's ICE Multibus card sets and software.

Two Intel SBC iSBC 86/12 boards, one marked 86/12A. These are 8086 CPU's with 16K of DRAM and two ROM sockets. Here's the backm, and here's the marked 86/12A and here's the 86/ . I've read off various ECOs and codes, here' my 86/12 notes. The one marked "SBC 86/" has two fuse-PROMs removed from sockets; it has numerous ECO's and wires on it, presumably it's been factory revised. The other 86/12A has the PROMs in sockets, few wires. I suggest buying both to duplicate the PROMs.

Intel 86/30 card, condition unknown but looks good. Also has Intel 8086-8087 adapter with 8087. Intel 337AMDNP SNP07620.

Two Intel SBC 104/180 cards. These are small ROM/RAM and I/O boards.

Intel Memory Systems 05-0471-002 rev 01 Intel 16K X 8/450 RAM module. p/n 0100-1125-AC Intel MDS-800 card?
Intel communications expansion board, 100-1197-04, 4 X 8251 USARTs, from 1977. Also a MDS-800 card?

IMAGEN printer controller

Imagen brand IMPRINT-10 Multibus controller, built in 1983 to support the CANON LBP-10 laser printer for image printing. The controller is a set of Multibus cards in a cage and backplane, with mounted fan and power supply, two DB-25 (serial?) connectors.

The cards are one 68000-processor CPU with 256K RAM, another 256K RAM board (via P2 connector to the CPU board), a ROM board, and an I/O board with flat-cable connectors presumably to the printer. The serial connections are to the CPU and I'm told by the previous owner it powered up, did partial tests, but failed a ROM test. The ROMS are marked "V1.9" and variously "SYS", "BASIC" "READER", "DAISY", "ITEK". I found some discussions of this product and software for it on the Web site archive for Stanford University's AI lab. There's this linked document which describes ImPrint-10 printer and the Imagen controller, ImPress Translater & Painter program.

Multibus card cages

I have a bunch of card cages and chassis that can or do hold backplanes, power supplies, etc. Check my Web page of cages and chassis.

Sun Multibus stuff, VME stuff

These are moved to this Web page. But as of 2015 I'm out of Sun Multibus cards. Do you have some?

Intel MDX 431A development system, diskettes, manuals - SOLD

I had (and sold in 2006) an Intel MDX 431A system for ICE-51 development with disks and docs; and a collection of Intel ISIS format diskettes. See this linked Web page about that system and related Intel materials. Some of the diskettes used an early form of double density used by Intel on ISIS called M2FM; see the linked Web page for details. Contact me if you are looking for software or manuals from this system, I'll pass contacts along to the new owner.

The Intel system is in a white Intel cabinet, not a "blue box". Multibus I based system with 5" floppy, 5.25" hard drive, monitor, kbd system boots up from hard drive, Intellect IV iNDX ver 2.8 software environment 8088/8089 based system with software and ICE hardware for 8051 development ICE-51 8051 emulator card and pod, with MCS-51, PL/M-51, ASM-51 s/w various original diskettes and manuals for IAPX86, 8085 as well.

In addition to that system I had assorted Intel diskettes, manuals for ISIS, Credit, PL/M, iRMX. Most of them were read and are now available online at Follow the links above for details.

But I retained a few of these diskettes as follows:

S BG79 Insite Library 1 of 2 non-system (copy)
S BG79 Insite Library 2 of 2 non-system (copy)
S AB31 BG59 BG77 BG78 Insite Library non-system (copy)

Intel documents

I have these documents. Good paper photocopies are available from me for a modest fee, contact me for details. If these are described as files or CD-ROM's, the files are available as a postal-mailed CD-ROM. I do not scan and PDF paper documents for you, sorry.

Intel 8008 and 8080 PL/M Programming manual, Rev A. dated 1975. 70 pgs. May be related to PL/M 3.x.

(as PDF files) 98-00300-04 plm 80 isis II compiler operator manual, V4?
98-00268B plm 80 programming manual, V4?

Intel EPROM Applications Manual, Sept 1980. Articles and ap notes on 2708, 2716, 2732, 2764 from 1979 and 1980, including design issues.

iAPX 86, 88,186 Microprocesssor WOrkshop Notebook Ver 2.0", in two volumes, July 1984. Each is about an inch thick. These amount to Powerpoint slides (two per page) plus some coding exercises. There's a little bit of 286 material as well. It's all under ISIS-II, including assembler and linkage. Also some hardware stuff about minimum/maximum mode, multiprocessing. SOme 8089 and 8087 programming also. It's not deep but it's wide and would be good material for anyone starting to use ISIS and starting to work with these processors.

        142648-001 Intel SBC 80/24 Single Board Computer Hard. Ref, 146 pgs
        143153-001 Intel SBC 86/05 Single Board Computer Hard Ref, 110 pgs
        9800450-02 Intel iSBC 534 Four Channel Comm Exp. Board Hwd Ref 86 pgs
        165-A50-0411 Matrox BW-Alpha Video Controller, 64 pgs
        NEC BP-0200 (16K Battery backed RAM), 50 pgs
        Datacube Vide Graphics Model VG-120 and VG-220 User Man, 80 pgs
        Data Systems Design (DSD) 5215 Disk Controller, 76 pgs

I have these as original manuals:

Intel 86/12 Hardware Reference Manual 980-3074--02
Intel 416 16K PROM/RAM reference manual 98-265A
Intel SBC 104/108 Memory I/O Expansion reference manual  98-277B
INTEL SBC 86/05 Hardware Reference Manual 143153-001
 - with Intel iSBC 86/05A update
MCS-86 Assembly Language Converter, Operating instructions for ISIS-II, 980-3074-02
8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembly Language reference manual  121627-001 rev A
8086/8087/8088 Macro Assembler operating  121628-001 rev a
iapx 86,88 family utilities user's guide 121616-001 rev a
Fortran 86 user's guide 121570-001 
9803074-02 iSBC 86/12A Hardware Reference Manual
98-277B OEM computers SBC 104/108 Hardware Reference Manual
98-256A OEM computers SBC 416 Hardware Reference Manual

I have these as PDF files, a 2011 donation:

intel 8086 Families Utilities Users Guide
intel 8086 macro assembler operating instructions
intel 8086 macro assembler reference manual
intel iapx86 family utilites user guid
Intel MCS86 assembly language converter
Intel Fortran-86.pdf
INTEL PLM-86 Programming Manual.pdf
INTEL PLM-86 Programming Manual for 8085 Development Systems.pdf
INTEL SBC 86-05.pdf
Intellec Series III MDS Instructions.PDF
iAPX 86, 88,186 Microprocesssor WOrkshop Notebook Ver 2.0", in two volumes, July 1984.(See notes above) 

More Multibus Manuals

For my reference, these were acquired in 2004.

Analog devices RTI-1200 real time interface users guide 110 pgs  7/1977

Computer Products Corp RIMFIRE 38 disk controller, 1980, 36 pgs

Heurikon Corp manuals:
  mlz-91A users manual (copy),165 pgs 
  zraid-91 manual with CP/M support Apr 81 45 pgs
  mlz-91 schematics 40 pgs
  MLMZ-80 system manual copy 1978 25 pgs
  Heurikon product guide 8 pgs 1984

Heurikon Corp & Green Hills Software USer's manual for
   C-68000 (48 pgs) Pascal-68000 30 pgs Fortran 31 pgs, 1987
   also portable F77, I/O library 71 pgs, AS Assembler 16 pgs

Intel iSBC 534 four channel communications expansion board
    hardware reference manual, 1977, 60 pgs
Intel iSBC 86/12 Hardware Reference Manual, 1978, 115 pgs

Interphase Corp. FDC 1680 and FDC 480 Floppy disk controller Users
     guide, 22 pgs

Matrox MECS RGB-Alpha Video controller, prelim, 62 pgs 
   includes Hitachi HD46505SP video chip

National Semiconducor Series/80 BLC 8534 8538 4 & 8 channel comm 
  expansion boards, 1978, 50 pgs

Ziatech ZT80 manual, June 1980, GPIB controller,150 pgs
ZIatech product manual, 12 pgs, 1986

Zendex ZX-4DD flexible diskette Controller hardware reference 
   manual, ZX98-201. 1979, 52 pgs

Intel documents not necessarily Multibus

For my reference, these were acquired in 2004.

Intel MCS-8086/88 Microcomputer training Course student notebook, 1979, 400 pgs

Intel SDK-86 System design kit User's guide, 1978, schematics,  150 pgs

Intel SDK-8g MSC-86 System design kit assembly manual, 46 pgs (put together instructions, not assembly language)

Intel MSC Basic-52 User's manual, 1986, 216 pgs

Intel Handbooks

From the beginning of Intel, they published "handbooks" documenting chips, software, and hardware. These were softbound books about 8 inches by 5 inches; a common format in the 1970's and 80's before the Web and CD-ROM's. I have a collection of these from Intel from that period. As time permits I'll list them here and try to provide some details. Some of these may duplicate component data sheets which were also published in 8.5 X 11 inch format.

My terms for photocopying these is that I'll provide one of two formats. Either two 8 X 5 pages per 8 X 11 sheet; or enlarged each 8 X 5 page to 8 X 11 size. The cost will be PER PAGE "PRINTED". So the two half-sized pages on one sheet count as one page, the two half-sized pages on TWO sheets counts as TWO pages. Contact me for prices.

Intel 1986 Microcontroller Handbook;
Data sheets, design information, instruction sets.
Just for the processors, not the chip sets. The processors are the 8096 family,
the 8051 family, the 8048 family, RUPI (8044) family. Also design notes.

Intel 8080 Microcomputer Systems User's Manual Sept 1975
These are sets of data sheets on individual 8080 family components. No descriptions of Intel boards or development systems.

intel Data Catalog 1977
Covers all products from chips to boards to systems.

Intel Memory Components Handbook, 1987
Static RAM data sheets (2114, 2115, 2125, 2147, etc.)
EPROM data sheets (2732, 64, 128, etc.) and Ap Notes and articles.
some EEPROMS 2817, 2864

Intel 1987 Microprocessor and peripheral Handbook Vol II - peripheral
some LSI chips like the 8203, 8206, 8207 memory controllers;
peripherals lie the 8231, 8253, 8254, other 82XX chips
8272 and 82072 floppy controllers
82064 Winchester controoller
8241, 8243 slave microcontrollers
8275 8276 CRT controller
82716 82730 82786 graphics coprocessors

Intel 1987 Microprocessor and peripheral Handbook Vol I - microprocessor
8086, 8088 data sheets; same for 80386, 80286
corresponding coprocessors, clock chips, DMA controllers.

Intel 1986 OEM Systems Handbook
Included in the handbook are chapters on iRMX which total 70 pgs.
Provides information and (Intel) references to operating system, languages,
system calls. Not a detailed reference but a good place to start. Document numbers, chapters, page counts listed below.

210885-002 iRMX 86 Operating System, 19 pgs
280082-02 iRMX 286 Operating System, 20 pgs
230882-002 iSDM System Debug Monitor, 4 pgs
230882-003 iSDM 286 iAPX 286 System Debug Monitor, 4 pgs
230749-005 iRMX Languages, 5 pgs
230751-004 iRMX 86 Operating System, 5 pgs
231618-001 iRMX 286/386 Operating System, 2 pgs
231372-1 iRMX Networking - iRMX-NET, 6 pgs

Other Multibus and development system owners

In 2010 I corresponded with Jim Garver who has a Intel iPDS-100 Personal Development System. Check his Web site for details.

In July 2009 I was contacted by Bill Beech. We traded some Intel manuals relevant to the System 310 and 320. We corresponded at length over the next two years: Here's a Web page that links to our Multibus discussions and his work on 8080, ISIS, some Multibus systems he has, his prior System 310 and 320 work, and various software tools he's come up with. He has a Web site with much of his recent Multibus repair work on it, and many Intel manuals available as PDF's.

Herb Johnson
New Jersey, USA
here is how to email @ me

Copyright © 2021 Herb Johnson