ROM and PAL images for S-100 stuff

This document copyright Herbert R. Johnson 2015, updated Dec 26 2019.
To contact me, follow this Web link.

Over time I've accumulated ROM or PROM or PAL images. Here are some of them. Other ROM and PAL image files may be on my S-100 Web pages, by brand or company name.
Those pages will be linked to from my S-100 home page which has a list of companies.
To go to the S-100 document index click here.
Some SD System code and ROM images are on this Web page.
Check this Web page about GAL and PAL programmers you can build.
Another Web page of ROM monitor code on this site.

There are other Web sites with S-100 ROM code or related code. For instance:
This Vector Graphic Web site has some ROM images, among other archives.
Roger Hascom's site has some ROM and CBIOS sources

However, this Royal Ontario Museum site does NOT have the "ROMs" I'm talking about.

CCS California Computer Systems

CCS 2810 CPU MOSS 2.2 ROM monitor listed in manual

Compupro PROMS  

System Support 1

 GO86_1   HEX         2,477  01-02-04 12:56p GO86_1.HEX

System Support 1 cards. 
Apparently just a jump instruction
for 8088 systems as follows:

(all previous is FF)
03F0:	EA 00 04 00	
	00 FF FF FF     

Disk 3

Disk 3 ROM, one Compupro one copied and matches, "224C", 2732

Disk 1A

For the 8085:
	FF is a RST 7 (jump to 0007H)
	EA 00 04 is jump on parity even to 0400H
For the 8088:
	FF is an unused instruction
	EA 00 04 00 00 is jump to 0000:0400 (addr 0400H in page 0)

 291B_1   HEX        19,725  01-02-04  1:16p 291B_1.HEX  (rev 203F)
 290F_1   HEX         4,941  01-02-04  1:21p 290F_1.HEX  (rev 203D)

from Disk 1A cards. 291B a 8Kbyte EPROM (2764) from my working
Compupro system, 290F a smaller 2Kbyte EPROM from a nonworking card.

Disk 1

 F_688588 HEX         4,941  01-02-04  1:31p F_688588.HEX 

from either of two Disk 1 cards. labled "Boot F 68/85/88", card rev 171F 
a 2Kbyte program(s).

Disk 1 PROM, version? Courtesy of Bill Degnan April 2015.
looks like the same code as 688588.hex above.

CPU 68k 184D

May not be Compupro ROM. Two 2716's. Label says "3.X bootstrap 10-29"
Rom low, U36, 2716, full to 4BF, then FF. checksum 3DB7 (8 bit)
Rom high, U37, 2716, full to 4BF, then FF. checksum F74F
jumpers on 86K card J17 A-C jumpered; ROM pin 1 at socket pin 3


PALS for comppro

 68_U16.hex	Intel hex and JEDEC format, U15 is 16R4JC labled 263b

 68_u25.hex	Intel hex and JEDEC format, U25 is 10L8NC labled 264b

 68_u31.hex	Intel hex and JEDEC format, U31 is 14L4NC labled 265c

 68_u33.hex	Intel hex and JEDEC format, U33 is 16R4JC labled 266b


Cromemco RDOS proms for 16 FDC

 RDOS10.HEX possibly RDOS 1.0???
 RDOS308.HEX thanks to Mike Stein

Cromemco RDOS proms for 4FDC

 RDOS_13_4.HEX RDOS 1.3
 RDOS_13_4.HEX RDOS 1.1


Heath H89 soft floppy controller, H37

 44482.hex	chip 444-82, MMI PAL10H8CJ U4

 44481.hex	chip 444-81, MMI(pal) U11

Morrow boards

 mpz80mon.hex 	Micronix version 4.47 monitor for MPZ80 card
 MPZ80-Mon-375.hex  CP/M version 3.75 monitor for MPZ80 card

NorthStar PROMS

This bit of assembly code  was posted by John Crane on Aug 7 2012 in comp.sys.northstar.
Bill Sudbrink's disassembled N* ROM done in 2002.

SD Systems PROM 100 code from Andrew Lynch

SD Systems PROM-100 is a 2708 and 2716 EPROM programmer. The following code ASM files are courtesy of Andrew Lynch:
PROM16a.asm is nondiskette based code for 2716's
PROM16u.asm  is CP/M code for 2716's
PROM08a.asm  is nondiskette based code for 2708's
PROM08u.asm  is CP/M code for 2708's

Teletek boards

 TELETEK  HEX         4,941  03-01-00  8:18p TELETEK.HEX
 TELKZ80  HEX         4,941  12-08-00  4:39p TELKZ80.HEX

Herb Johnson
New Jersey, USA
follow this link to email @ me

Copyright © 2019 Herb Johnson