Miscelaneous case tape, ELF II system digitized June 2 2019 Herb Johnson note that case and tape-lable may not match! tape label says "games" Case information side 1 cassette loader cosmac cosmos (0000-08ff) blockade (0000-08ff) video animation (0000-0fff) cosmac cowboy (0000-03ff) side 2 cassette reader morse code (0000-08ff) dogfight (0000-0fff) miniature golf (0000-0fff) dot-dash (0000-0fff) analysis of Audiology files recorded mono, 22.050kHz sample, 32-bit? float? "side 1" has six segments, with two parts each presumably tone then data. tone is 2272Hz, with 100Hz noise. data peaks broad @ 753Hz, 2300Hz. Higher freq peak is about 70% of lower freq peak. high pass filter may be useful. INverting data (phase) may be necessary. First seg has very short data, 2nd about 22 seconds, 3rd-6th abt. 40 sec. total length 5 minutes. ELF II monitor code says: short pulse widths (7) are 0's, longer (29d) are 1's. Suggests about 4:1 width ratio. Schematic shows op-amp filters for tape in and tape out. "Giant Board assembly manual" says ROM program "producing signals similar to the Kansas City standard". That standard was used in many ways (Wikipedia) so all this statement means is "1's and 0's at different frequencies". Issue 20 of Ipso Facto article "ELF II Cassette I/O" says one cycle of 2400Hz=1, one cycle of 800Hz = 0, 1 start bit of 0, 8-bit data, and parity (1 for even). Freq. measured by oscilloscope. [http://www.retrotechnology.com/restore/cass_super.html]