Miscelaneous case tape, ELF II system digitized June 2 2019 Herb Johnson updated June 8 2019 note that case and tape-lable may not match! tape label says "games" Case information and program details after digitization As far as I can see the Pixie video is used for the games below - Marcel side 1 cassette loader 0:00 - 0:08 cosmac cosmos (0000-08ff) 0:35 -1:04, may be short of data, 0FFF? blockade (0000-08ff) 1:16- 1:52 video animation (0000-0fff) 1:58 -2:52, signal drop at 2:13-2:14 cosmac cowboy (0000-03ff) 2:58 - 3:22 [overwritten program] 3:24 - 3:55 side 2 cassette reader 0:00 - 0:15 morse code (0000-08ff) 0:22 - 1:00 dogfight (0000-0fff) 1:04 - 1:56 miniature golf (0000-0fff) 2:03 - 2:56 dot-dash (0000-0fff) 3:06 - 4:02 [space invaders (0000-0FFF)] 4:08 - 5:03 ========================== marcel van Tongeren, JUne 7 2019 I did a first try on the first tape, with the following result: - I think you have labeled the wav files incorrectly, i.e. tape side 1 is side 2 and side 2 is 1. [fixed] - I have binary and hex attached, most converted without issues and without need to change anything in audacity. That is except for Video animation which had a clear dip in the sound but after filtering it loaded correct according to the emulated Elf II. - I still have errors in loading Blockade and Cosmac Cosmos so not sure if they converted correctly; I also tried filtering in audacity without better results. - One game was not mentioned on the tape cover: Space Invaders (side 2, your side 1). - I have not gotten much games to run properly but I expect that in most cases that is an issue with configurations, but not 100% sure. Most give some picture anyway. Hope this helps. Cheers, Marcel. > On 7 Jun 2019, at 23:46, Herb Johnson wrote: > > I believe you are correct, I read side 2 first and called it "side 1". I"ve now reversed the names of those files. > > Again, the ACE Video Display manual is now on my Web site. It's essentially a schematic showing the 6845 Motorola video chip. > > Can you confirm the order of games on each side? This is my list with your addition of space invaders: I've added time stamps, are they correct? Of course i'm using audiology and observing by ear and eye. [I updated this list later based on Marcel's results. - Herb] > > side 1 > cassette loader 0:00 - 0:08 > cosmac cosmos (0000-08ff) 0:35 - 1:04 > blockade (0000-08ff) 1:16 - 1:52 > video animation (0000-0fff) 1:58 - 2:52, signal drop at 2:13-2:14 > cosmac cowboy (0000-03ff) 2:58 - 3:22 > [overwritten previous pgm 3:24 - 3:55 > > side 2 > cassette reader 0:00 - 0:15 same pgm as cassette loader > morse code (0000-08ff) 0:22 - 1:00 > dogfight (0000-0fff) 1:04 - 1:56 > miniature golf (0000-0fff) 2:03 - 2:56 > dot-dash (0000-0fff) 3:06 - 4:02 > [space invaders (0000-0FFF)] 4:08 - 5:03 > > Side 2 looks uniform, no gaps or drops in data. > > I'll likely re-record side 1, see if those drops and gaps go away. Audiology has an "effect/amplify" which can boost a selected section of the waveform. My preset is a 1.6dB gain (probably a factor of 2). It seemed to not produce clipping in the selected section. If it amuses you, you might try that. ;) But the gap in "cowboy" is empty, a real loss of data. > > More later. - regards, Herb Hi Herb, Yes order is indeed correct, space invaders is also 0000-0FFF. I think Cosmas Cosmos is smaller in size, maybe 0-03FF which possibly causes the Elf II to give an error as it is not getting as much data as expected. I also was wondering what the difference would be between a cassette loader and reader :). I just did a compare and realised they are actually identical…. As far as I can see the Pixie video is used for the games below but if there is an ACE Video it was probably used for Super Basic. I don’t think the drop in Cowboy is a drop as such, that is a small program, 1KB only, so the part from 3:24 - 3:55 is likely something remaining from a previous recording. Cheers, Marcel. --------------- Marcel provided the .TXT and .HEX files, by reading the WAV files through his EMMA02 COSMAC emulator. Here's his general commentary from June 11th. - Herb Hi Herb, I spend some more time on the SW on the first tape, here are my findings: Dog Fight, Miniature Golf, Dot-dash are chip 8 SW and I believe the first 2 are from the VIP II Game manual. I see you have a copy of that in the collection of which I would love to get a scan when you get to that. I have heard about it but have never seen a copy! Space Invaders also uses some chip 8 but also 1802 code, I’m guessing a home made game and either never finalised or possibly corrupt. Attached some additional findings per program in the txt files as well as chip 8 code files for Dog Fight, Dot-dash and Golf. Hope this is of some use to you. Cheers, Marcel. -------------