This list of document links related to the 1802 and Galileo was last updated Apr 20 2020 - NASA Technical Reports Server The complete document described below is available online at A 10-page version is contained in a larger PDF'ed document "Aerospace Applications of Microprocessors", NASA Conference Publication 2158. Look at the end of this text page for links to that workshop proceedings. - Herb Johnson Title: A command and data subsystem for deep space exploration based on the RCA 1802 microprocessor in a distributed configuration Author(s): Thomas, Jack. S. Abstract: The Command and Data Subsystem (CDS) is an RCA 1802 microprocessor based subsystem that acts as the central nervous system for the Galileo Orbiter Spacecraft. All communication between the ground and spacecraft flows through the CDS. The CDS also distributes commands in real time, algorithmetrically expanded from a data base loaded from the ground and in response to spacecraft alarms. The distributed microprocessor system is configured as a redundant set of hardware with three microprocessors on each half. The microprocessors are surrounded by a group of special purpose hardware components which greatly enhance the ability of the software to perform its task. It is shown how the software architecture makes a distributed system of six microprocessors appear to each user as a single virtual machine, and collectively as a set of cooperating virtual machines that prevent the simultaneous presence of the several users from interfering destructively with each other. NASA Center: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Publication Date: JAN 1, 1980 Document Source: CASI No Digital Version Available: Go to Tips On Ordering Document ID: 19810003139 Accession ID: 81N11647 Publication Information: NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center Aerospace Appl. of Microprocessors, p 17-20, Number of Pages = 4 Price Code: A01 Keywords: COMPUTER PROGRAMS; GALILEO SPACECRAFT; MICROPROCESSORS; MICROPROGRAMMING; REDUNDANT COMPONENTS; BACKUPS; DATA PROCESSING; GALILEO PROJECT; MICROCOMPUTERS; Notes: In NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center Aerospace Appl. of Microprocessors p 17-20 (SEE N81-11644 02-60) Accessibility: Unclassified; No Copyright; Unlimited; Publicly available; Updated/Added to NTRS: 2004-11-03 --------------------------- Title: A multicomputer simulation of the Galileo spacecraft command and data subsystem Authors: Zipse, John E.; Yeung, Raymond Y.; Zimmerman, Barbara A.; Morillo, Ronald; Olster, Daniel B.; Flower, Jon W.; Mizuo, Thomas Affiliation: AA(JPL, Pasadena, CA), AB(JPL, Pasadena, CA), AC(JPL, Pasadena, CA), AD(JPL, Pasadena, CA), AE(JPL, Pasadena, CA), AF(ParaSoft Corp., Pasadena, CA), AG(Aura Systems, Inc., El Segundo, CA) Publication: IN: Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 6th, Portland, OR, Apr. 28-May 1, 1991, Proceedings. Los Alamitos, CA, IEEE Computer Society, 1991, p. 11-18. Publication Date: 00/1991 Category: Space Communications, Spacecraft Communications, Command and Tracking Origin: Space Telescope Institute? STI A detailed simulation of the command and data subsystem of the Galileo spacecraft on a distributed memory multicomputer is described. The simulation is based on an ensemble of Inmos Transputers for simulating, to the bit level, the execution of instruction sequences for the six RCA 1802 microcomputers and the intricate bus traffic between them and other components of the spacecraft. Expressions were developed to estimate the performance of the simulator on a distributed system given the processor clock speed, memory access time, and communication characteristics. ----------------------------------- C.P. Jones and M.R. Landano, "The Galileo Spacecraft System Design," Proceedings of the AIAA 21st Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 10-13, 1983, p. 19. ------------------------------------ Computers in Spaceflight: The NASA Experience - Chapter Six - - Distributed Computing On Board Voyager and Galileo - Galileo - True distributed computing in space A discussion and photos of the Galileo multiprocessor computer systems which were 1802 based or implemented as a custom "PDP-11/23 like...minicomputer" with 2900 series bit-slices. --------------------------------------- design notes on the Plasma Particle Investigation PLS instrument ------------------ References suggested by David W. Schultz: - OR use NASA's Technical Report Server at and search for "NASA-CP-2158" "Aerospace Applications of Microprocessors" NASA Conference Publication 2158 preprint for a workshop held in Greenbelt, Maryland November 3-4, 1980. 280 pages. 10.6MB PDF The ongoing design process for Galileo NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center Publication Year: 1980 Document ID: 19810003136 Accession Number: 81N11644 Report/Patent Number: NASA-CP-2158 [contains paper by Thomas, Jack. S. as cited at the top of this text page. - Herb] "A Radiation-Hardened Bulk Si-gate CMOS Microprocessor Family" by Stricker, Dingwall, Cohen, Adams, Slemmer Sandia Labs and RCA paper of 1979 discusses radiation hardening of the 1802 OSTI is a Dept Of Energy document archive Web site.