Expansion ---------- Sept 30 2005 There are many applications that require large amounts of memory, yet computing speed and power requirements are low. Text editing, data logging, and games come immediately to mind. Virtual memory systems are good when the problem is large and you need to randomly access many different parts of it quickly. I agree that we rarely need to solve problems of this sort with an 1802. We could -- but there are better choices. What we're really after for the 1802 is mass storage memory. For instance, the Infocom Adventure games, or a micropower data logger. But the traditional route for mass storage (disk drives) are ill-suited to interfacing with very small computers. The disk interface would be far larger, far more expensive, and use far more power than the computer itself! So, I think large 1802 memories are perfect for implementing silicon disk drives, where the data is stored in memory chips instead of disks. That's why it is wonderful to see an operating system for the 1802 which can use these large memories as if they were a disk drive. Oct 2 2005 What exactly is the purpose for having more memory? If it is to simulate a disk drive, maybe it would be better to use serial memory chips. For instance, a 24C512 is an 8-pin DIP, holds 64k bytes, and costs $2.29 each from Jameco. They only need 2-3 wires to interface (can use Q, EF4, and TPB directly). Extremely low power. Nonvolatile (EEPROM based, keeps data without power). Once you have the serial read/write software, there is a whole world of other serial chips that become easy to interface; RAMs, UARTs, A/D converters, real-time clocks, etc. Oct 3 2005 -- Winfrey wrote: > Lee, It sounds like fun to experiment with the serial [memory] devices at > such a low cost and I would like to put a few on my next order. > Have you actually tried any of these serial devices with an 1802? Not on an 1802 yet; but I have used them many times in commercial products with a variety of other CPUs; PICs, 68HCxx, and most recently, a Z80. BASIC Stamp microcomputers use these serial EEPROMs to hold their BASIC programs and data. The CPU itself has the BASIC interpreter in its internal ROM, and fetches each tokenized BASIC statement from the EEPROM, and executes it. It's a bit slower than storing it in bytewide memory, but *lots* cheaper, smaller, lower power, simpler, and nonvolatile. This scheme would work very well for Pittman's Tiny BASIC. These chips use a bunch of different "standard" serial protocols; SPI, microwire, etc. As usual, each manufacturer has his own favorite, which he tries to coerce everyone else to use. We can probably devise a no-hardware approach for any of them using Q, TPB, the N lines for the clock and data out, and one of the flag lines (EF1-EF4) for data in. But a more general approach is to have two output bits that you can independently control; then your software can talk to any of these chips. --