.0..Version 2.08H Y:/pvcs/shr/src/commn.c_v 2.1 19 Jan 1987 10:54:24 ac Y:/pvcs/shr/src/commn.c_v 2.1 19 Jan 1987 10:54:24 ac NOW YOU'VE GO AND DONE IT..I TOLD YOU *NOT* TO CALL get_msg()!!!.. ASM BOOT [ ] COUNT expr ; ; ... ; END DT (index) EVAL FLAGS GDT [ (index) [ .LDT [ (index) ] ] ] GO [ FROM
[ ] ] IDT [ (index) ] ISTEP [ ] [ FROM
] LDT [ (index) ] MTYPE [ = MTYPE | or , ... ] PD [ (index) [ .PT [ (index) ] ] ] PORT | WPORT | DPORT [ = ] R287 REGS | SREGS | CREGS SWBREAK [ =
, ... ] SWREMOVE ALL | =
, ... TSS[ (index) ] ACCESS AF AH AL ALL ASM AX B BASE BH BL BP BX BYTE CF CH CL COUNT CR0 CR2 CR3 CREGS CS CSAR CSBAS CSLIM CX DEBUG DF DH DI DL DPORT DS DSAR DSBAS DSLIM DT DWORD DX EAX EBP EBX ECX EDI EDX EFLAGS EIP EM ENDCOUNT ES ESAR ESBAS ESI ESLIM ESP ET EVAL EXECUTE FLAGS FOREVER FROM FS FSAR FSBAS FSLIM GDT GDTBAS GDTLIM GO GS GSAR GSBAS GSLIM HELP HOST IDT IDTBAS IDTLIM INF INT1 INT2 INT4 IOPL IP ISTEP L LDT LDTAR LDTBAS LDTLIM LDTR LENGTH MP N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 NT OF ORD1 ORD 2 ORD4 P PD PE PF PG PORT PT QUIET R287 REGS RF SF SI SP SREGS SS SSAR SSBAS SSLIM STEP STRACE SWBREAK SWREMOVE TF TIL TILSWBREAK TO TR TS TSS TSSAR TSSBAS TSSLIM U USE VERSION VM WORD WPORT WRITE ZF step_step(n=%d,f_opt=%d,f_addr=%m) Error: step count >255 step_sstep(f_opt=%d,f_addr=%m,cnt=%d,q=%d)   ted_get_regs(buf_ptr, type=%d) Unknown processor mode code received from tool Software break at Debug register break at Unknown break at Interrupt %dT at Step break at Task entry break at Unexpected break code received in task %x Divide error NMI Overflow Array bounds check Invalid opcode Device not available Double exception Processor extension segment overrun Invalid TSS : ECODE = %xh Segment not present : ECODE = %xh Stack segment error : ECODE = %xh General protection fault : ECODE = %xh Page fault : ECODE = %xh Coprocessor error go_op(f_opt=%d,f_addr=%m,type=%d) go_wr_entry(addr=%m,acc=%d) Error: too many WR's specified. go_boot(stringp=%s) go_boot length=%d   , err %d swb , , err %d swb swb_op(swb_action=%d) swb_address(addr=%m) Error: too many SWB's specified.   asm_op() asm_start_addr=%m asm_last_addr=%m cur_addr=%m asm_type=%d asm_len=%d exit asm_op() asm_start_addr=%m asm_last_addr=%m cur_addr=%m asm_type=%d asm_len=%d asm_address(.start=%m .end=%m .rtype=%d) %03u %05u %012lu %4d %6d %13ld display_mem(address=%m ,count=%d ,mem_data_p[0]=%d, type=%d) mem_display(.start=%m .end=%m .rtype=%d .dtype=%d) entries_per_line=%d item_size=%d entry_size=%d, fmt=>>%s<< max_num_items_per_msg=%d num_items_per_msg=%d mem_move(s.start=%m s.end=%m s.rtype=%d s.dtype=%d d.start=%m d.end=%m d.rtype=%d d.dtype=%d) Error: type conversion is not supported. mem_write(.start=%m .end=%m .rtype=%d .dtype=%d) Error: number of write items > partition size. mem_data(v=%ld,dt=%d) Error: too many values specified in memory write. mem_string(s=%s) mem_get_byte(sel=%d, off=%d)   %08b %016b %032lb %03 Error: Invalid software break message Error: Missing software break Error: Invalid GO message received from host Error: Cannot place task break Error: Invalid STEP message received from host Error: Emulation start address must be within current task Error: Emulation start address is within a data segment Error: Emulation cannot start from a linear address Error: Emulation cannot start from a physical address *** Future Release Command Error: Invalid target pointer type received from host Error: Invalid memory pointer received from host Error: Specified memory content type not recognized Error: Memory write verification failed at physical address: %lxP Error: Invalid pointer type Error: Empty descriptor referenced Selector: %x Error: Segment not present Selector: %x Error: Page not present Linear address : %lx Error: Page table not present Linear address : %lx Error: Unexpected descriptor type - gate descriptor referenced Selector: %x Error: Unexpected descriptor type - LDT descriptor expected GDT selector: %x Error: Segment limit exceeded, Selector: %x Error: GDT limit exceeded Error: LDT limit exceeded Error: IDT limit exceeded Error: Index beyond page table limit Error: Invalid GDT selector Selector: %x Error: Invalid LDT selector Selector: %x Error: Invalid component for refer Command Syntax "wt2" RUN TEST -- runs test 2 "wu2" RUN UTIL -- runs util 2 "5wt3" REPEAT -- executes "wt3" command five times "3wt4;6wt2" SEQUENCE -- multiple commands separated by ";" "5\" LOOPING -- repeats sequence within \<> five times. "4\;wu0>" Loops may be nested up to three deep. Spaces are optional. All repeat counts default to DECIMAL (max 65535). All test, utils, and other input numbers default to HEX (max 0FFFF). Help Directory "wh" = This Help Directory "whc" = Command Syntax "wht" = Tests Directory "whu" = Utils Directory Tests Directory Utils Directory "w" = Tests Execution Summary 3Failed Attempts 3 \<=== d Summary Cleared Out of range, type Directory t u "wht" for Tests "whu" for Utils  A

Currently = "0" = CONTINUE TESTING after Errors "1" = STOP TESTING after first Error * STOP ON ERROR * Copyright 1984, 1985 Intel CorporationDisplay Disk IOPB Disk I/O Parameters [ ] IOPB Address [ ] Wake Up Address [ ] Reserved Dword [ ] CCB Address [ ] Actual Transfer Count [ ] Busy_1 [ ] Device Code [ ] Busy_2 [ ] Unit [ ] CIB Address [ ] Function [ ] Operation Status [ ] Modifier [ ] Status Semaphore [ ] Cylinder [ ] Head Operation = [ ] Sector [ ] Data Buffer Address [ ] Requested Transfer Count [ ] General Address Pointer  w0: Wini Spinning Up ÿd. :w0: Wini :w1: Wini :wf0: Floppy :wf1: Floppy :wta0:Tape Clean Floppy Disk Heads Select DRIVE TYPE "0" = 5.25" "1" = 8.00" Select DRIVE UNIT Insert Cleaning Diskette, then Select Cleaning Track d Cleaning :wf: dDRIVE NOT READY 7OK 7ERROR d Failed  TIMEOUT Interrupt OFFLINE READY MEDIA or DRIVE Failed Error in label: d device granularity media-type flags  S Current mode = "0" = NORMAL -- Simple error messages only "1" = VERBOSE -- Additional test status info "2" = SUPERDEBUG -- Exhaustive test status info Copyright 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 Intel Corporation program_version_number=V6.2program_name=iRMX 86 Bootstrap Loader.